It's my 365th Birthday!!!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Hash98, Sep 14, 2012.

  1. Ladies and Gentlemen,
    Boys and Girls,
    Cows and Pigs,
    Please welcome......

    Hey Guys! As you may very well know it is my 365th birthday! What an achievement! One year on EMC! Oh man have the times changed. I remember when I first logged on and I went into the EMC Public Library, then went to go buy some saplings for 25 rupees each. Ahhhhh, those were the good days. I fact, the first thing I did when I got Minecraft was go on EMC! I loved it so much, it was just simply amazing.

    I would like to thank all my freinds for playing with me, but most importantly I would like to thank all the moderators and admins that help make EMC the best server by far. I vote everyday on the minestatus and will do so until I die.

    So......I was thinking......
    What should I do?
    I mean 365 is a big milestone.

    Well, I would like to invite all to my pool party at res 104 on SMP-1 for some cake, drop party, and fun chatting.
    I will also be holding a 5,000 rupees prize to a lucky winner!
    The first people to fill up the first 10 slots get to be in the draw!

    Ahhhh, now the wait is finally over.....what am I going to do next? Hmmmmmmm.......
    maybe an underground city :D.

    I would like to solute all the players and moderators that make EMC a better place.
    And to you Justin- Happy 365th day.

    ==============PARTY TIME!==============
  2. Hash98
    You're a friend - Jy is 'n vriend - Du bist ein Freund - Je bent een vriend - Yes! You're a nice friend!
    Its been a nice time at EMC with you, when i joined 140 days ago i remember you saying Welcome to me :)!
    You're like a brother, Master, Or Well Just A Very Knownledge friend and you're always there.
    I just wanna say thank you and congrats on a year on this amazing server.

    Hash98 likes this.
  3. 5k Draw Winners
    1. Faithcaster
  4. Hey man! Hows it going?
  5. Thanks for the speech....I'm crying man.... :rolleyes:

    one day,I'll grow up to be as old as you...
    imBobertRobert and Hash98 like this.
  7. Congrats on 365 days!!!
    In a few months your surely invited to my 1st birthday xD
    Hash98 likes this.

  8. LoL....Just about a year and 4 minutes ago my mom typed in her creditt card number to buy Minecraft Beta 1.7.3(I think:rolleyes:).
  9. 7?
    Also this:
    Hash98 likes this.
  10. Thankyou.:D
  11. About getting fatter? :p
    Hash98 likes this.
  12. 5?

    Also I hope you have a tomato size birthday!
    Hash98 likes this.
  13. congratz man you must have seen it all :D
    Hash98 likes this.
  14. Dude CONGRATZ! Hope the past year has been a blast!
    Hash98 likes this.
  15. WAIT A SECOND!!!

    Why does your profile say you joined OCTOBER 13 !?!?!?!
    Hash98 likes this.
  16. i don't think you had to join the site when emc was first released also im not sure if the site was even around back then
    Hash98 likes this.
  17. I made you a delicious cake on my res! Look!
    foodenator and Hash98 like this.
  18. Happy Birthday!
    Hash98 likes this.
  19. Congrats on 1 year! I hope to be on EMC for that amount of time and possibly longer.
    Hash98 likes this.
  20. Really no one cares
    Hash98 likes this.