Show Yourself 2.0!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by IcecreamCow, May 4, 2012.

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  1. I thought members of anonymous were exactly that. Anonymous
  2. how could this turn into a disneyland discussion from a post your self thread?
    ZBSDKryten and mba2012 like this.
  3. Someone posted about their aweful day at disneyland.
    RoBoT_ChIcKeN_66 likes this.
  4. Read the moderator application thread... You've not seen off-topicness until you've seen that.
    mba2012 likes this.
  5. That is beyond funny.
  6. I've been M.I.A for awhile, but decided to jump back into the game, and of course, my favorite community.:cool:
  7. Hah. I brought earplugs! :D
  8. This will be my first post on the forum, and probably the only one for quite a while. I didn't join EMC to post on a forum, I joined it to play minecraft with others instead of single player or on my own private server.

    To forgo possible questions: I am female, 6'2", large framed, housebound (badly disabled), 35 years old, used to be a computer technician, and on top of that battling weight because of the housebound-disabled. I used to love hiking and nature walking and used to bike 20-40 miles a day, being disabled tends to do this to your body shape. I am not ashamed of being overweight, and I was always into computers and gaming along with outdoors activities, so even though I used to make my living off of working on computers that is not what made me like this, getting MSA (multiple system atrophy, google it) and several other bad problems did. It is excruciatingly frustrating, being like this makes me angry and frustrated at not being able to do the things I love, not ashamed.

  9. I suggest copying and pasting that into the "Introduce Yourself" forum.
    battmeghs likes this.

  10. me and the love of my life :)
  11. Finally got some pictures of my puppies. :)

    This is Leizy and her 4 puppies. (3 male, 1 female) :)
    She is a beautiful dog and her and Gordon made some wonderful puppies.
    She is a wonderful mother. I am super excited to finally see my again, I just wish I knew when that would be. :confused:

    Male / Male / Female
    My wife moved the computer before I could photograph the 3rd male properly.
    The pictures are terrible because I had to screen capture my Skype window and then I had to screen capture the thumbnail to get semi-visible photos. The large versions are super choppy.
    (She dropped her camera in a puddle trying to take photos on 1 September 2012 when they were born....)

    Hopefully she can get her video camera working well and take some photos of them when they finally open their eyes which hopefully will be in 2 - 3 more days. :)

    Names not picked yet but apparently we are keeping the 3 males and potentially giving away the female.. I would rather get them all nuetered/spayed and let Leizy and Gordon have a 2nd litter when these puppies are big enough. :)
  12. Oh, do I get to be the first person to say, "AWWWWWW"?
    mba2012, Twitch1 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  13. You get to be the first to type it. :p
    mba2012 and margaritte like this.
  14. Well, I said it and THEN I typed it ;)
    mba2012 likes this.
  15. haha. Well, my wife said it 12 days ago that is what I meant by that. :)
    She never typed it, so you beat everyone to that. I didn't get a single like or comment on Facebook and my entire family has looked at their profiles since I posted the photos. :D
  16. Had to do it lol Im sorry if this was offensive but lol
  17. Not offended. You would have to pay a good bit of money to get to them... They are in Honduras. This would require a Passport, plane ticket, money for the cab rides and then you would have to convince my wife to allow it. Even if you managed to get to Honduras, you would need to find my home and I am not sharing that information with anyone. ;)

    Also, if you have that kind of spare money, I would gladly accept your kind donation to go visit my family... It has been 13 months since I last saw them and at the very least another 7 before my wife will be able to apply for her Visa again... This doesn't even guarantee that we can afford her plane ticket if her Visa is approved. :(
    ZBSDKryten likes this.
  18. Creepers have good sense of stalkness. I am now going to Honduras :p

    I stalk everybody . . . I haz the moneh[/quote]
  19. Awww its a " not a page to be found " I hate those :mad:
  20. Seeing as we're in doggy mode, my daughter's (Bobby) as puppy

    and now

    And my old gal (Leah) not long before she passed away aged 16

    Chascarrillo, Twitch1 and mba2012 like this.
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