[Auction] A Double chest full of sandstone

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by steviekoetsier, Sep 1, 2012.

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  1. I messed up i didnt know that shaun changed it im sorz
    TerryDaTerrorist likes this.
  2. Okay thats alright... just clarifying.
    Whats happened now?
  3. alex is ahead
  4. I must have said something like

    "Auction ends when I say so"

    but Shaun changed it to

    "Wins after 24 hours with no bids"

    so that means I'm winning.
    TerryDaTerrorist likes this.
  5. From now on please make it bids/questions about the auction only. It's not my auction, but it's the rules. :)
    TerryDaTerrorist likes this.
  6. shaun changed it to what it is supposed to be. This is y first auction just plse bid guys not complain plse
  7. 5k imma win this!
  8. Is the auction still going? If so 5 K
  9. jim bidded 5k first im sorz
  10. hey stevie you have 2 auctions???
  11. diamond supporters can have more than1
  12. only in supporter auctions. only 1 in regular auctions. you may have 5 in supporter auctions but only one in regular auctions, still.
    coffee_bullet likes this.
  13. 6.5k!!!!!!!
  14. The Chest will be located at 12045, smp6 pm me if u need help on it.
  15. Um i think you did but i think i might be wrong
  16. 24 hrs from the last bid guys come on! lol no one has won yet.
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