[Auction] A Double chest full of sandstone

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by steviekoetsier, Sep 1, 2012.

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  1. Still going just updating status shaun didnt know where the pick up was!
  2. If I can bid: 7k
  3. so i guess jimbonoman wins!
  4. u cannot bid 7k sorry
  5. jimbonoman come to 12045 on smp6 the chest is on the right hand corner of the spawn thx.
  6. lol whoops
  7. jimbonoman hasnt replied?????
  8. jimbonothing hasnt replied or payed i guess the auction is stillgoing
  9. This is one messed up auction....
    steviekoetsier and codygraw101 like this.
  10. ikr its messed up big time :/
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