Hey, this is HTML_man

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by HTML_man, Sep 1, 2012.

  1. I'm thinking that is a good guess but incorrect.
  2. But there are more than one "Mystery" accounts. Red_Mystery and Pink_Mystery. But they are female, the name here is HTML_man. Also Red is diamond but Pink is not.
  3. Im thinking your an attention seeking twerp..
  4. Darn it, maybe pink mystery.
    Gonna go search people with mystery names.
  5. I do not have a mystery name.
  6. Give us a hint.
    ( A hint meaning a 11 year old mind can figure it out )
  7. I like SMP1 and I am a diamond supporter.
  8. Blaaahhh......
    Okay, time to do some research.
    Are you currently on smp1?
  9. Not right now.
  10. Hey hey, can you go on smp1?
    I don't know who plays smp1 really.
  11. I cant go back on smp2 because if I do my computer will crash, Ill keep guessing here,
  12. I am on SMP2 right now with both accounts.
    EDIT: Now I am offline on both accounts.
  13. /YOU LITTLE!!!!
    I will find out who you are.
  14. I think...I am tired of these stupid name code things. I can't ever figure them out. I use the A=1 B=2 and it all still comes out looking like I smashed my face on the keyboard. Nobody ever got the one for IcecreamPepper either.
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  15. I think I figured it out..

    EDIT: Not from the name code thing, though.
  16. I gave you all a hint. It just has more than one step. :) (Yes, a=1.)

    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.