EMC loosing its touch

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by kno2t, Aug 28, 2012.

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  1. Clapping.gif
    Hash98, dandandondo and jkjkjk182 like this.
  2. Can you please tell me what stats you're using to come up with this? It's actually very offbase. Please make sure you pay attention to the forums. We have at least 3-4 new plugins we're creating (note I said creating, not taking and simply pasting like other servers) to bring more fun and excitement to EMC. I'm sorry that isn't enough for you, but if you have even more ideas than what we're doing, please use the suggestion box. Try to avoid making false claims such as EMC is dying or losing members as things like that will likely not get your post taken seriously.
  3. Also, to those bashing him, please be more polite. While most will disagree with his statement, that's how he's feeling. It's better to show him why he's wrong with facts instead of trying to make him feel bad. Be the good community we're known for. :)
  4. I have a real number that almost everybody will be slightly surprised...

    Let me find it
  5. Didn't you get the memo? Not trying to be rude here, but I just had to say that.
  6. Just because the servers haven't been at full capacity since the wild reset, doesn't mean were dead. All servers are like this. There will be another rise in active servers, and then another fall, and then another rise.
  7. New shop system, uses for dragon eggs, new ways to get dragon eggs, new PvP servers, and an EMC GUI. And you think they need to add something new.

    Publicity stunt on the spot.
  8. 35,151r is not a lot, I have 74k.
  9. Fun Fact : In the past month, 5144 people have earned at least 1 XP point. Of course we haven't retained all of them, but 5144 people. That is 11% of the total 46,000. What I enjoy about EMC is not it being the Number 1 server ever; but the core group of players that make this a great community. That number does not include people who only get on the forums, but the people who have either used a furnace or killed a mob in just 1 month. I find this very impressive especially since EMC has only been around a bit over a year.

    This took a very long time to type up (on my Kindle due to current computer issues)
    margaritte likes this.
  10. Sorry i didnt post it in the sujestion box i just recently learned about it and it isnt a false claim that it is loosing member all of the people that i showed the server to dont play it anymore and many of the friends that i met there have left although it is ganing mebembers it is also losing some and there servers arnt full as they sue to be sorry for all the spelling errors once again and all im trying to do is say that it could use more improve ments and yes i know they are making more plugins but I think that there not really considering to many of the plugins that we sugest! really all im saying is that the servers arnt as full as they useto be and EMC is starting to make a comeback but the should look at more of are sujestiog and consider adding them and view how the server could be from ore point of view
  11. i never said 35,151 was a lot that is why it is followed by a r this a player asked me how many rupees i had and r is short for rupees
  12. They consider each and everything we suggest. There are other issues involved such whether the suggestion will fit in EMC' current system. Any other server might think we are crazy for this - but we don't want to be like any other server. Sure there will always be similarities, but there is a unique flair surrounding EMC._
  13. I never said it was alot but do consider i have been giving alot of my money away to people as donations
  14. Run on scentance, bum pa dum pa bum bum bum!
  15. Is it just me who's getting annoyed by how he is trying to erupt arguments with other members even though he lost his battle a good 20 minutes ago?
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  16. I am explaning my self and if your annoyed then you really dont have to read and reply to this thread
  17. Frankly, I don't know why you think anyone should take you seriously. It's pretty obvious to me that you don't even take yourself seriously. You keep making posts insinuating that EMC is somehow not working hard enough for you, or not doing enough adding-in of random plugins to make the game more exciting for you, but while you accuse them of not doing enough work, you can't be bothered to make your posts grammatically correct enough for most of us to even grasp what you are trying to say. Maybe if you would take a few minutes to express your ideas in a more logical and organized fashion then the EMC community would be more receptive of your opinions.

    *queen of the run-on*
    jkjkjk182 and pat2011 like this.
  18. Out of the 46564 members total that have registered on the site... 1785 were from this last month. This includes people that never even logged into the game, so lets make a guess that only 1500 of them actually finished the tutorial and collected at least 1 experience point... so that means we had about 3359 people who played this month and sometime before that. It isn't necessarily the number of people we bring in that is important, its about the people who come back because we quite honestly don't want the people who aren't having a good time. What we have working against us, is the short attention span of the average Minecraft player... I started playing Minecraft 10 months ago, and I enjoy it just as much now as then.

    Multiplayer Minecraft is not for everyone despite what we may try making ourselves believe.
  19. There is not one service in the world that doesn't gain and lose members. Our point is we're gaining more per day than we're losing. Even big services such as Xbox Live, Steam, etc. lose members on a daily basis...that's just how life works and that will never change.

    As for the second quoted statement. We're doing exactly that. I'm not sure how you're missing that we're doing exactly that.
    sqiggleyjeff likes this.
  20. I do take everything i say seriously and i am tryig my best to not mess up on spelling and grammer. I also am trying to explain them more logicly but when people keep commenting about my spelling its hard to get out what im saying i am not insalting EMC i am just saying there are things that could make it better if you call me saying that EMC was a very popular server and was full all the time before but because of a big gap in adding or changing the server many players became bord with EMC and left it, so now EMC has had less people joining the servers but are trying to make a comeback by adding more plugins! The EMC could use and consider adding many sujestions that they dont in my opinion EMC was the gretest server of all time when i first joined but for all people certain plugins become boring after a while so that is the biggest reason they had a down fall of players and now thay are starting to grow because of the new plugins there adding but the player that have not heard that they are add more plugins are still leaving so maybe if they did a brodcast of the plugins that there adding on each server it would help it would also help if they added more plugins as a weekly or monthly thing!! Get my point now?!?
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