[AUCTION] Double chest of eggs

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by JackBiggin, Aug 21, 2012.

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  1. I know who im reporting if you win...
    IamSaj likes this.
  2. Click my egg!!!!!!
  3. Post it on the dragon egg thread. Don't spam it on an auction.
    IamSaj, marknaaijer and jkjkjk182 like this.
  4. Because they're genuine, Jack collected eggs and are presented very nicely on collection. :p
    jkjkjk182 and FrankieC like this.
  5. Its just like when Leo auctioned that enchanted wooden pick off that went for 400k, right?:D Its all about the seller:)
    marknaaijer and JackBiggin like this.
  6. Wait a minute, posting multiple BIDS IN A POST IS NOT against the rules? Well this thread could've been shorter. ;)
    Why bid you ask? I set out to get these eggs for one raisin and one raisin only. To throw them in my pit down to bedrock
  7. All invalid bids since they're way under the last valid one. Current bid is 1007r.
  8. 1009
    IamSaj likes this.
  9. And we have a winner! The piggeh has won with 1009r! Send me the rupees and I'll set up the access chest for you. :)
  10. Curses. GG Pig. Jack: Keep making 1r auctions. They're fun. :3
    JackBiggin likes this.
  11. I have got a 1-5r one for book and quills. But yes, I will do more in the future. :p
  12. Yeah.jpg
    R.I.P Double chest of Eggs Auction.
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