
Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by pokedude987, Aug 21, 2012.

  1. Yeah, I haven't been on doing anything because I don't want to lose stuff. I log in so I don't lose my res and that's it. I just browse the forums. Not sure if it's Minecraft's fault, or plug-ins or what.
  2. Well I cant play EMC
    I am safe.
    Good luck.
    We must fight lag, AND WIN!!!
  3. You don't have too.
  4. I lost 1 stack of diamonds :(
  5. ive been saving money and not usin chests
  6. Pokedude ether that or I drop it.
  7. ICC is the robber, I caught him red handed.
  8. I'll give you a chest. Your MC name is Shooter00?
  9. How did you catch him exactly? Lol
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  10. Yeah two zeros.
  11. Ok making chest now.
  12. Your pickaxe is in it now enjoy.
  13. Makes me a bit worried if I win the double chest of glowstone. I need it bad for my project and dropping 55k or more for it. Yikes.
  14. Thanks man!
    Same here. I'm not making anymore big offers on auctions until this is fixed.