It takes 10 seconds for me to log in, and I have 616MS for SMP3 and 586MS for SMP1. I'm also based in the UK. Is this happening outside of the USA, or outside of North America?
Then we can't play on EMC. Plus, I moved from Minecraft full release 1.0 land to 1.3.1 land. What will happen to the newly generated jungles? They will have no cocoa beans, which are turning out to be very hard things to find :/
Can't connect at all now - Pings from the command prompt are showing 3952MS, Yet I can access my server with a ping of 295MS.
*Immediately goes on Minecraft to check his ping* I seem to average around 400- 600 ping across the servers. (I am also in the UK). However, Utopia smashes all of those with a grand total of 1236 ping.
Ok, I'm with Virgin media - It's not a routing issue. So it has to be something up with the actual server itself, My server also hosted in Philadelphia get's me 280MS