[SUGGESTION] monster flag

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by chrisisaboss91, Aug 11, 2012.

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  1. The thing is that when you turn on this option, it will likely stop people coming to your res...
  2. What does TNT have to do with this?
  3. Hes comparing the tnt flag to the monster flag, but idk what he means :confused:
  4. But the TNT guidelines and a flag are WORLDS different. I don't think a TNT flag even exists!
  5. I'm sorry but this has been declined too may times......

    And its always been the same technique and method.....
  6. 1 - Monsters spawning in town - Doable.
    2 - Monsters not providing drops or experience - Iffy
    3 - Monsters contained within a res - Iffy - Farm animals tend to wander, glitch
    4 - Monsters only spawning within a res (but not on dark streets) - Iffy

    I think if done it would be a royal pain in the neck to implement. I can appreciate wanting to have mobs in your town for decorative purposes (the crepper doorguard, the zombie welcoming committee, etc). Perhaps it is time for the empire shop to start selling spawn eggs for hostile mobs. The way things are set up in town, you could not be damaged by them, but you would get drops/exp, so the price for these spawn eggs would have to be commensurate with the benefit from killing them. And if that can be done, why not also allow eggification for a price in the wild as well.
  7. No support. The town shouldn't have the mobs since it's a "safe" area where players cannot die. The addition of these mobs would be useless because: You'll not get drops nor XP.
    Why have them?Making a monster holder in your res with 1000 monster lagging the hole server to death?
    NINJATTILA likes this.

  8. xD Yeah its already to laggy in 1.3.1 :p
  9. Exactly! Plus, as you mentioned, there's always the lag...
    NINJATTILA likes this.
  10. oidgod likes this.
  11. I <3 RDR
  12. I am also reasonably certain that Justinguy said there will never be hostile mods in town, so this entire thread is pointless and should probably be deleted honestly.
    imBobertRobert likes this.
  13. That's what they said about PvP, and now look what's happening.
  14. It does
  15. Hmm, could you give me a link?
  16. thats not the idea of town. the town is supposed to be a safe haven to store goods, make farms, protect from griefers, and built pretty awesome things. even if mobs where confined to a single lot, it would still cause unneeded lag, and would make it hard to distinguish from griefing damage and creeper damage. creepers would be used as tnt, which would make the diamond perk (nearly) useless, and you would loose stuff just by passing by.
    lets review:
    lag. death. diamonds get nerfed. bad economy.
    please, give up this poison dream. NOW. Please?
  17. guys you cant say it has been rejected only and i mean ONLY moderators and admins (and shawnwhite) can reject or approve it
  18. I 100% agree with you. Not to mention all the holes in a res.

    Another thing: You die, and you have diamonds. A random person sees that, runs to your res, takes all your loot, and runs away.

    And finally, as Creppa said, it's extremely likely mods will say no!
  19. actually pvp was already in EMC for a while before with arena's but they removed it. (idk why) and now they are resurrecting the idea.
    oh and that too! creepers could grief the road! it happens with TNT as well.
    look chris, im pretty sure that this wont happen. justin is very very VERY... lets say believing in the town always being peaceful. its just too much of a controversy. its fine the way it is, just make a fake res in the wild somewhere. who knows, that "res" might have diamonds below it!
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