Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Jeanzl2000, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. Hey Guys so yes EMCTV!
    I have thought about it for a while and said Why not?
    Please PM me Saying your show idea and If you want to stream your show I can give you the Stream key.Also I recomend using XSplit

    Also go on twitch.tv and follow EMC_TV

    Show Info:
    Team Adventures:
    There are 2 team and they are brought a un inhabited location.
    The first time to complete all the goals wins.
    All contestants must bring nothing.
    1 wool of every color
    Build a 3 story cobblestone house.
    Build a mine.
    Make a nether portal
    Make a farm
    Make a water fountain
    Make an Iron block
    make a Gold Block
    Jeb: Terr,finsup2010,nfell2009
    Notch: Yankees518,Mikeguy2225,deathgamer10

    1PM Team Adventures
    TechnoIce01 likes this.
  2. Please give actual helping feedback and not just Eh...
  3. Umm I dont think this is gonna work.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  4. Well, You know. If you never try, You will never know. What would have happened if in WW2 the US said We don't think we are gonna win so lets give up. Against the odds they still won because they tried.
  5. What can we even do? Community Spotlight, Community Creations, Community Events.. Not much that could last very long...
  6. You need to get a mic
    BobTheTomato9798 likes this.
  7. Minecraft seems to be a very popular game to be watched on twitch.tv, so this could in fact work in our favour in regards to getting more people on the servers and spreading our good name.
    Jeanzl2000 likes this.
  8. Max already does this.
    QuarterStop likes this.
  9. I am aware that Max already does this, but having more than one channel showing EMC isn't going to hurt.
  10. The feed was, eh....
  11. The audio needs some major fixing, also I reccomend using a mic.
  12. A mic would definitely be beneficial.
  13. New Game:
    Team Adventures:
    There are 2 team and they are brought a un inhabited location.
    The first time to complete all the goals wins.
    All contestants must bring nothing.
    1 stack of ever color of wool.
    Build a 3 story cobblestone house.
    Build a mine.
  14. Yeah I couldn't use a mic because it was 9:30 PM
  15. Can I be one of the teams?
  16. I don't think your that big to be a WHOLE team. (anti yo mama joke)
    But sure You can be in it.
  17. Awesome.
  18. What? No mic allowed? I know who to blame....

    I do like the Team Adventures idea, we need to think more like that.
    nfell2009, AlexHallon and Jeanzl2000 like this.
  19. Bump.
    I need more people for Team Adventures.