SMP4 crashed

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by 1998golfer, Aug 12, 2012.

  1. Your wish has been fulfilled, Master.
    Dont attempt to avoid bans.
    JackBiggin likes this.
  2. i know we should contact an a dmin
  3. If you get a ban, you've been given it for a reason. Just because you can afford to have an alt account doesn't mean that you should use it as basically a pass to ban immunity. If you want to be able to play, it's simple: don't get banned.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  4. [Insert "YOU DONT SAY?!" meme here]
  5. I'm pretty sure they'll know already.
  6. SMP4 is now back on lin e
  7. its back on !!!
  8. Light, in my mind was banned unfairly. As soon as I get off a iPhone I'm pining a mod.
  9. ???
  10. Getting a small pin, and pushing it into them, hopefully causing them to unban you. It's not really the best technique to be unbanned.
    shaunwhite1982 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  11. Insert iPhone sucks post...
  12. it crashed AGAIN
  13. I envisioned it more like getting a cow voodoo doll and sticking pins in it in several places. :p

    We used to operate under a policy where we would ban all alt's connected to an offenders IP address, but we revised this policy quite a few months back and now only ban alts in certain circumstances, such as if an offence is also committed on the alt account.
    JackBiggin likes this.
  14. I am freaking out right now because 3 hours after smp4 crashed today I GOT BANNED AND I HAVE NO IDEA WHY!!! For proof type /p minerpro47 and its says my ban reason is cya... I am freaking out right now
  15. It'll say why you're banned on the ban screen...
    EDIT: PM a mod for the full reason.