[Auction] Marc's Double Chest Of Goodies #1

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by YOU12MAEC, Jul 30, 2012.

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  1. kk
  2. Twelve-thousand., two-hundred-fifty rupees

  3. Nice.
  4. Twelve-thousand., three-hundred-fifty rupees
  5. Please stop writing the numbers just do 12345. It is getting annoying..
  6. BUMP, anyone else want to give some competition? 20 hours left.
  7. BUMP 15 Hours left
  8. Decent Pack! Looks very appealing, nice work!:)
  9. 24 hours after last bid. I win, :) right?
  10. 1 hour left.
  11. BUMP, anyone else want it? about 20 min left.
  12. OK now i won right?
  13. Yup, please send me the 12,350 and I'll place an access chest on my utopia res for you with it.
  14. ok i paid you now i need move permission
  15. Ok I'll give you perms and all when the server updates to 1.3 I can't downgrade due to a large film I am working on with 2 friends
  16. You have move and access perms to a chest next to my res spawn on utopia
  17. your minecraft names is YOU12MAEC right? because i still cant get on
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