1.3 Countdown!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Hash98, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. There not....
  2. :(
  3. No horses as far as I know. But lot of rumors have not been true. One has been that you can store books in bookshelves but you can't. :(
  4. is it out?
  5. Nope
  6. WHY!
  7. Only 2:42PM Swedish time. Ill guess it will come around 6-8PM CEST
    AlexHallon likes this.
  8. aaaaaaaAAAAAAAA
    migueldemesa likes this.
  9. It's out!!
  10. just came out! :D
  11. 1,3 IS OUT NOW!!!
    pwnage92 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  12. It's not 1.3 it 1.3.1 lol
  13. IT'S AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p
  14. 1.3. Is all I have to say.