1004 Enchanting Store Orders

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by coffee_bullet, Jul 26, 2012.

  1. Wow. How much are they? If I can afford, I`d just like the highest level enchant possible
  2. sorry i need u to be specific
  3. Umm.... Fortune, silk touch, eff. and unbreak. (mostly eff. and unbreak.)
  4. Does
    Fortune III (3)- more items when destroy ores etc.
    Efficiency IV (4)- mine 4x faster
    Unbreaking III (3)-the pick last 3x longer
    Diamond Unused pick sound good?
  5. Oh, wow. It indeed does, but I`ll need to get some money first. Is it possible to, maybe, erm... What, reserve the pick?
  6. i have a chest set up take the pick when u pay plz
  7. diamond sword
    enchant: looting III
    diamond sword
    enchant: looting III knock back II sharpness II
    diamond pickaxe
    enchant: fortune III
    diamond pickaxe
    enchant: silk touch
  8. looting III Smite 5: 6.5k Done
    Looting III Knockback II Sharpness II or higher: 7.5k
    Fortune III: done
    Silk Touch with eff IV: 6.5k
  9. alright
    coffee_bullet likes this.
  10. got smite V and looting III Diamond Swords Price: 6.5k (because of smite 5)
    is that ok?
  11. where can i pick it up?
  12. all pick ups are at 1004 smp1 use /vault to transfer to your own server
  13. i went to the res i dont see my name
  14. u have been replying to you and u were giving me no response and u took way too long
    so i sold it for more then 5,5k
    next time communicate
  15. you have another one?
  16. im at your res
  17. i will order som thing else then i will be watching the messages i was out yesterday
    diamond pick
    enchantments silktouch and fortain 2
  18. Bluiechen

    Diamond Pick
    Silk Touch
    Price: 7k (may change)

    Diamond Pick
    Fortune II-III
    Price: 5k