1) My favorite color is Blue 2) Im 5'4 3) I was really popular in 8th grade 4) Im nervous of going to highschool (9th grade) 5) I love Football 6) Im on the football team 7) Im addicted to Call of Duty 8) Im AFK 99% of the time im on EMC 9) Im to lazy to spell correctly 10) I hate when people beg 11) I dont know what to say anymore 12) My favorite animal is a dog d: 13) I hate cats and even hearing the word cat makes me mad d: 14) I hate most cartoons 15) Im mature for my age (13)
Okay... here's mine... 1. I couldn't chew Max when I ate her, that's why she's still doing her moderating magic. 2. I blew up EyeCar in an EyeCar trap. 3. I needed help to kidnap Jim, and we left him at the edge of protected spawn. 4. I technically didn't feed Crazy, he helped himself with permission.
(I probably look like a noob since I'm on my alt, I'm JackBiggin) Lol I couldn't tell . I like how you spelled Aikar as it's pronounced. Most say it A Car
edit: i actually only care about the major spelling errors, and saying 'u' instead of you, or 'r' instead of are. also punctuation and spelling. i have only just started watching doctor who. i am the most socially awkward person in my school. i am also the most hated, since i play minecraft and absolutely have when people say, and i quote: 'ima go to dat party and get drunk as @!&% cuz yolo and i got swag. wat u got @!%$#&? ? wat u got on me?' i hate my generation. i skipped a grade, but failed social studies so went back. this was in my second/third grade. i am always coughing. i dont know why. my parents think its because i melted some lead once, i just think its a nervous habit i dont capitalize my i's because chrome doesnt say they are wrong. also " ' " dont matter to me.
im the same way.. in a way.. i always befriend girls i like before i ask them out... i ended up not asking out this girl i REALLY liked and now she is moving away and ill never see her again...
Oh man. Where to start. 1. I am very self conscious. 2. I really get annoyed when people can't listen to a single thing you say when they really should. 3. Can act older than I am if needed. 4. Hates going to places with a bunch of people and then people I don't know randomly talk to me. 5. Often notices someone has lost all interest in a conversation too late to recover with a new one. 6. Dislikes secrets. And thats all about me Edit: 7. has killed 6,699 mobs on emc