I need a picture to my signature... I will give you *cought* 20 diamonds *cough* for the best one... Here are the rules... 1. Have it lime green as the letters for "CreppaNinga235" 2. Make it a little nethery and Endy 3. I want a "twist" to this... I will think about other rules....
Im not photoshop handy. what if i take a picture of a giant pixel art instead? im gonna post 1 either way
Lol well yeah, most people put their name on things so others don't steal it or something? See? I do it on my stuff. http://pandaseatramen.deviantart.com/
My pixel art for you. There is also a magma cube, nether portal, end portal, nether fortress, obsidian tower and endermen for you Enjoy and let me win ! Uhhh.... you may wanna crop this a bit though
New Rulez! [*] Put a blaze head in the nether side and place a Enderman head on the other side. [*] Add "Collided Fortress Blue, "smp2" Yellow, and "3004" Green...[/LIST]