Auction of massive chest of diamond pickaxes [Enchanted]

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by MiniBurritoos, Jul 23, 2012.

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  1. Inushya you're in the lead at 12, do I hear 13 haley or pavi?
  2. Sorry I lagged. Pavi ur in the lead at 15 do I hear 16?
  3. 18hr till sold to pavi.
  4. 6hrs! DO I hear 16k?
  5. Please refer to IcecreamCow's post in Community Auctions as per you have not followed the Auction Rules.

    You need to include minimum bid increments, timefram in which auction will end, and preferrably not bump it so often.
  6. He has minimum bid increments so look at the OP again but on the timeframe amd bumbing yes
    And 17k
  7. Fail on my part. I read that as a minimum bid. :p

  8. SOOOOO sorry, it's 24hrs guys! And btw about the damaged picks I included it in the OP so Haley said it's OK :)
    alex_jacob likes this.
  9. an hour and a half left to go!
  10. ALEX_JACOB WINS!!!! Please select a pick up point and pay me within 24h. You will have an access chest.
  11. Can you help me cvbn490 to find a sponer
  12. What r u on about? The biddings closed.
  13. Alex I need the money by 8:AM [GMT] tomorrow or roblikescake wins it at 18k.
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