231 days later.... Ask me stuff!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by pateraterick, Jul 10, 2012.

  1. Secretazneks profile pic is even older :D
    Curundu likes this.
  2. What's your fav car? Fav breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Why do you like rainbows so much? What's better... apples or oranges? Would you rather play in the snow or at the beach? Fav season? Fav TV show? Cake or pie? What's more important....brains or beauty?
    ps. I like your new profile picture. Definately less creepy :D
  3. What is your favorite minecraft block?
  4. Bedrock!
  5. I don't really have a fav car, my good old Honda civic will do :D. I prefer toast and apple juice for a healthy breakfast. Fastfood to spoil my lunch and Roasted chicken for dinner. rainbow reminds me of my childhood.
    Bid bang theory
    And both :p
  6. Really!? Thx
    Curundu likes this.
  7. Isn't that the best show! Sometimes it scares me how much I can relate to Sheldon though :(
    pateraterick likes this.
  8. You still think its less creepy !?
  9. Why is your username pateraterick when you're really Steven?
  10. Good question!But keep it as a secret! I've bought this account second hand off ebay, i was on sale for $4, so i thought why not!
    Please edited out my name! I will respect you very much in doing so!
    OMG, you are bacK!
  11. Yes. He looks like he wants to dance :)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  12. Suppose to be boom mother###### I'm the superman!
    5weety likes this.
  13. How many times have you died in your res?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  14. I've nearly fainted once( don't ask how)!
  15. How did you faint?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.