Burning Question

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by DaJaKoe, Jul 5, 2012.

  1. Erm.. What page are you on in the Math Book?
  2. hmmm Finished Cal-2 last semester, why do you ask :eek:
  3. Because I finished cal-3 yesterday! : D

    I have no clue what your talking about.....
  4. Calculus 2 was College course i took, Its was so easy to pass Not it was H on day one, but Cal-3 is easy because it goes into 3-d dimensions. but i was lost when you askk me what math book i was in
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  5. Atleast he still had his chicken.
  6. Haha. :p
    I was trying to be funny. Teehee.
    Dwight5273 likes this.
  7. i kinda figured :D
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  8. She would make nothing, as seashores have a self sustaining, public, supply of seashells.
    Dwight5273 likes this.
  9. There was a groundhog( woodchuck) in my yard a couple of weeks ago. Didn't see it chucking any wood though...
    oidgod likes this.
  10. Based on the density of pine (33lbs/cubic foot) and the fact that groundhogs cannot fly, the exact amount with correct significant digits will never be known. However, through decades of research and billions of well spent tax dollars, it has been hypothesized that a woodchuck can, in fact, chuck approximately 10lbs of cedar per day, unless Chuck Norris says otherwise.
    *Note: The gravitational pull of Mars was not included in these estimates. Thus, the results may be skewed by 15.642876% :p
    IamSaj and foodenator like this.
  11. He would chuck what wood a woodchuck could if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
  12. It would chuck wood About a lot. If chuck is throw, that is
  13. How much wood can Oidgod chuck if Oidgod has the arm to chuck wood?
  14. Woodchucks can't chuck wood, they toss wooden planks therefore making the question inanswerable. If woodchucks could chuck instead of toss times the square root of the mass of the moon subtracted by the density of IceCreamCow's poop (which is ice cream), nanonize that by the triangle root of how many air molecules there are on the Earth, subtract that by the number of people on EMC, add the number of chest hairs on JustinGuy divide that by the amount of how much this is confusing you, you get 42. Its 42 DaJaKoe. HAPPY? That took 2 days too write the whole equation all together. And yes, this is quite a tad bit overkill. But I don't care. Satisfied?
    oidgod likes this.
  15. I could chuck about 9999990009 feet. Of balsa wood!
  16. No
    IamSaj and oidgod like this.
  17. Its not confusing me, so its about 30000
    IamSaj likes this.
  18. :O
  19. This is how much wood a wood chuck could chuck:
  20. So basically all that is this: Woodchucks can't chuck wood, they toss wooden planks therefore making the question inanswerable. If woodchucks could chuck instead of toss times the square root of the mass of the moon subtracted by the density of IceCreamCow's poop (which is ice cream), nanonize that by the triangle root of how many air molecules there are on the Earth, subtract that by the number of people on EMC, add the number of chest hairs on JustinGuy divide that by the amount of how much this is confusing you, you get 42. Its 42 DaJaKoe. HAPPY? That took 2 days too write the whole equation all together. And yes, this is quite a tad bit overkill. But I don't care. Satisfied?