blow up emc

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by DogsRNice, Jun 22, 2012.

  1. i wonder why this did not take off:confused:
  2. Because it was a thread made by you?
    * Insert sarcasm here *
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  3. no i bet it was because you replied here:p
  4. -snipdididoda-.

    I wonder If I can gets Grey text to workz
  5. erm please don't give people ideas, please delete/edit your post. :)
  6. For realzies?
  7. dude im not joking, its ruined the surprise for others. FO REALZIES!
  8. So, can someone download Justin's SMP7 palace and post a video? I know nothing about how to do this stuff.
  9. There. Also, is it possible to click my egg? I dont want it to die.
    oidgod likes this.
  10. I'm assuming it is either stone brick or sandstone based on previous architecture. Lag screens have revealed it to be a tower, with an underground spherical super room. But then the chunks fully loaded.
  11. From what I was told, that res is supposed to be a surprise. He built it like that for a reason. He has been busy and not been able to continue working on/revealing it yet.
  12. no i cant click the egg and that is way off topic
    oidgod likes this.
  13. You're one to talk.
  14. stop this is my baby!!!