The 20th century REBOOT! (READ FIRST PAGE!!)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Jul 2, 2012.

  1. Ok then so
    Australia would like to ally with Vatican City
  2. Swiss finish research on artillery. Swiss start research on heavy anti aircraft vehicle
  3. The Vatican City accepts Australias alliance and sends the pope to give a sermon there.
  4. Canada accepts The Vatican's ally request. Also, the Vatican has the Swiss guard, so if you want to add like 50 people to your army. :p
  5. The Vatican City researches the effects of Holy Water on ill patients.
  6. Germany's request to be an ally with Canada is still pending.
  7. Canada accepts Germany's ally request.

    Canada begins research on a new medication....
  8. Australia would like to ally with Canada
  9. Already accepted. :p

    A warm front hits McDonald's island, melting much ice.
    matthew12hydro and jkjkjk182 like this.
  10. Swiss finishes aa vehicle. Swiss start research on a large oil tanker.
  11. The Vatican City Starts research on medicinal bibles
  12. Look im sorry for robot India srapes metal and reinvents a iron fence
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  13. Canada's new medication is made, its called... PENICILLIN. It is thought that it will be a life saver on and off the battle field.
  14. The Republic of China's peace treaty with Canada is still pending.
    Research of Simple Circuit complete. Advanced circuit research begings.
  15. India wishes to ally with China
  16. Pssst! PMed you;)
  17. Canada accepts China's peace treaty, and also wants to ally.
  18. India wishes for ally for russia.
    Also, India wants to trade 5k of medicine for 8k of emerald.
  19. The Vatican City requests a summary as to what has happened in the last 3 pages of posts.
    Seriously, its just way to much to read
    creepincreepers7 likes this.
  20. Australia goes into a facepalm massacre where everyone is facepalming until they die.
    CreppaNinga235 likes this.