hmm yeah makes sence, could still be some use in "groups" though. Hey nice looking dog, same markings as mine, what breed?
american saffordshire terrier cousin to the pitbul we do not have him any more he ran off and never came back
What Dog said. There are - there just isn't a mod for it. Most groups keep a forum thread and things like voice chats for their groups.
There is several wilderness communities- big and small. There are a few groups with the title "Team". Factions would not be the proper term for EMC's groups
We don't want groups/factions. This has been brought up before (for example; a Dutch chat) it would separate the community, and we don't want that. We like being one big/huge happy family. Accept for those rule breakers. We don't like them.
Ugh, factions. I see them as a few people that band together and stomp out every other faction in existence because they paid people a diamond to join.