smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Lol I live right over there and your wrong its a platform mob spawner :)
    Jakres and PandasEatRamen like this.
  2. Sad day. Was mining with Curundu and had a bunch of iron and coal, even SIX DIAMONDS. And my evil nemesis the Cave Spider came out of nowhere and knocked me into lava. I fought to get out and drink the HP potion but sadly he decided I needed a lava shower. :( RIP first diamonds I actually got to see without buying/ninja.

    To add insult to injury I was riding up my rail from grand central and I turned to see where the spider was that I heard. Turned around in time to see a creeper said HI. :/
    Jakres likes this.
  3. Yup, gotta love those days :(
    At least they don't happen to often. :l
    Jakres likes this.
  4. This is all good news. You discoverd a spider spawner and are well on the way to mining more diamonds :)

    Maybe not such good news about the creeper. Why is there never enough light :(
    Jakres likes this.
  5. I helped with the platform too! (only about 12 stacks of stonebrick though)

    If it helps any I have lost over 10k worth of stuff from lava deaths in the last few days, including a newish Silk Touch pick.
    Jakres likes this.
  6. Yeah, I think it wandered of Lecta's rail that is next to mine sadly :/. I could have sworn we had enough light there. Not had issues with it since mobs have been back until today. The only mobs I've seen was where we didn't light the paths we made for the station.

    Yes you helped :D! Yeah I saw those. I grabbed what I could that one time. Sorry it wasn't the really good stuff xD. You were also there when I magically got shoved into lava and ended up bouncing my way to that island and you were way down the path. HEROBRINE! xD

    I'm not sure if I'll be on much today. After my net went down I got dragged out into 90F heat for two to three hours. I am so close to passing out x.x
    Jakres likes this.
  7. Poor girl. What happened?
    Jakres likes this.
  8. What were you doing in the hear :0
    Jakres likes this.
  9. That too! :cool:
    Jakres likes this.
  10. Had to go pick up some things for the house xD
    Jakres likes this.
  11. yeah someone just said its 94 over here in morrisville... ugh itll probally take the entire 40 minute trip home to cool the car down ><
    Jakres and SecretAznEks like this.
  12. you guys soo lucky its been 102 here for the last two days >.< I can't do anything outside for long periods of time its killing me that i can't
    Jakres likes this.
  13. Oh fun. /sarcasm. I'm originally from Kentucky where we seem to have normal seasons. Spring: March-May Summer: June-August Autumn: September-November Winter: Dec-Feb.

    I joke that North Carolina's seasons are Spring: March-May Summer June-September Then October-Feb is Autumn and Winter thrown around xD

    Just now saw this xD
    Well, It requires a bit of explanation. I'll just say that thanks to all my issues with my PCOS(By the way don't google that unless you wanna learn about girly health xD) I get extremely hot too fast and then I get all loopy and blood sugar bombs out like no tomorrow. :/ Basically instead of taking me to the doctor earlier, mom waited until I was pretty severe so I've a lot of issues.

    Last summer about this time we went to Atlantic Beach and then after swimming getting beaten to death by waves was headed up the beach and next I know I'm looking at the ceiling of an ambulance. I was pretty sick the next few weeks :/

    I'm sorry D:
    Jakres likes this.
  14. Aikar, Frodoman1, PandasEatRamen all live in NC? :) Yays!

    its 103 where I live in NC. No outside playtime for me...( Unless I bring out water guns )

    Im also going to be coming to the LLO tomorrow to bring supplies to whoever needs them. Just pm me and I will try to bring those items. :)
    Jakres likes this.
  15. Well, thank god I live in North Dakota haha. Its like 75-80 here o:
    Jakres and UnicornZombi like this.
  16. Ed_is_crying.jpg
  17. First reaction:
    Second Reaction:
    Well if I ever win the lottery I know where I'm moving.
    Jakres, CambriaKilgannon and lusaras like this.
  18. It's 12 degrees here, I am freezing to death, I can't find my gloves, my cat has gone hyperactive and my bandwith ran out a few minutes ago :(. I am not going to survive the 4 days left without internet :p
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  19. Where the heck do you live?
    Jakres likes this.
  20. The north pole? 0:
    Jakres likes this.