[CLOSED] 60k Ore Buster Promo

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by ScalySquash, Jun 22, 2024.

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  1. This was at 4.20 am (Lol)
    is this was past the 42 hr auc auc end time?
  2. As far as I can see, you bid 4:20am Wednesday and I bid Friday 3:36am
  3. So is your bid 46 or 47 hours after my bid. The auc end time is 42 hrs after the las bid which means it would’ve ended at Friday 10.20pm?
  4. Bulkinc has won item has been mailed this can be closed upawn payment being received :)
    Bulkinc likes this.
  5. did the auc no end shortly after he bumped the thread
  6. Paid and received thank you
  7. It seems there is a time dispute here, referring for review to SS
    EvilBlo, NuclearBobomb and Sefl like this.
  8. The time between these bids was 47 hours 16 minutes. Over the 42 hours since last bid specified in the original auction post.

    I have reversed the auction sale between Bulkinc and Ima_Squid.
    And I have completed the auction transfer between Envine and Ima_Squid.

    Send me a message at https://pmadmin.emc.gs/ if you have any questions.
    weeh, Ima_Squid, Fred_TWK and 6 others like this.
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