Boosted's Boxes - A Custom Shulker Kit Service

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by ThatBoostedWRX, Apr 8, 2024.

  1. 2 Exploration Shulker kits please o/
    sending 40k
    ThatBoostedWRX likes this.
  2. 2x Exploration Kits Sent :)
    Raaynn likes this.
  3. can i buy 2 tools galore kits please :D
    ThatBoostedWRX likes this.
  4. Yup, will get onto them now :)

  5. 2x Tools Galore Kit's mailed :) Please send 64,000 rupees when you can! Enjoy!
  6. paid, thanks :D
    ThatBoostedWRX likes this.
  7. No worries Enjoy!
  8. Tuqueque likes this.
  9. I would like to order a Tools Galore Kit please.
    ThatBoostedWRX likes this.
  10. weeh likes this.
  11. Could I have 2 project kits please :)
    ThatBoostedWRX likes this.
  12. Mailed them :) enjoy!
    weeh likes this.
  13. Could I buy 2 Tools Galore kits, pls?
    ThatBoostedWRX likes this.