[CLOSED] 5 Double Chests of powdered snow buckets

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by elchikenman1234, Sep 16, 2021.

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  1. Just making sure that y'all know that snow buckets don't stack just wanted to be sure everyone knew. There is only a total of 270 buckets of snow. Id hate to mislead anyone!
    UltiPig and Merek_Shadower like this.
  2. 25100 --- it's the process of getting them that makes it worth it.
  3. 36100

    Zan, we gotta quit meeting like this....
  4. did i win the auction?
  5. You did win good sir! congratulations! would you like the snow delivered? or would you like it on some chests on my res at 18587?
  6. can u deliver them?
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