EMC's 12 Days of Christmas 2020

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Dec 14, 2020.

  1. Day 12: December 25th

    Each day will see an addition to the EMC 12 Days of Christmas song as written below. Most of them will be posted in the morning, while some may be delayed or early due to actual release. The numbers and repetition have nothing to do with the items/events, but they make it sound better when you sing it.

    Details of that day's event/item/etc will be posted in the comments on the thread so you can keep track.

    Please do not pester the staff about what is coming next. They won't tell you :p

    EMC's 12 Days of Christmas 2020
    On the twelfth day of Christmas
    EMC gave to me:
    12 gifts a waiting
    11 deer a flying
    10 chests a hiding
    9 paints a spilling
    8 flames a burning
    7 rocks a building
    6 devs a working
    5 player deaths
    4 hanging socks
    3 green trees
    2 snowball fights
    and a candle for you and me.

    On the eleventh day of Christmas
    EMC gave to me:
    11 deer a flying
    10 chests a hiding
    9 paints a spilling
    8 flames a burning
    7 rocks a building
    6 devs a working
    5 player deaths
    4 hanging socks
    3 green trees
    2 snowball fights
    and a candle for you and me.

    On the tenth day of Christmas
    EMC gave to me:
    10 chests a hiding
    9 paints a spilling
    8 flames a burning
    7 rocks a building
    6 devs a working
    5 player deaths
    4 hanging socks
    3 green trees
    2 snowball fights
    and a candle for you and me.

    On the ninth day of Christmas
    EMC gave to me:
    9 paints a spilling
    8 flames a burning
    7 rocks a building
    6 devs a working
    5 player deaths
    4 hanging socks
    3 green trees
    2 snowball fights
    and a candle for you and me.

    On the eighth day of Christmas
    EMC gave to me:
    8 flames a burning
    7 rocks a building
    6 devs a working
    5 player deaths
    4 hanging socks
    3 green trees
    2 snowball fights
    and a candle for you and me.

    On the seventh day of Christmas
    EMC gave to me:
    7 rocks a building
    6 devs a working
    5 player deaths
    4 hanging socks
    3 green trees
    2 snowball fights
    and a candle for you and me.

    On the sixth day of Christmas
    EMC gave to me:
    6 devs a working
    5 player deaths
    4 hanging socks
    3 green trees
    2 snowball fights
    and a candle for you and me.

    On the fifth day of Christmas
    EMC gave to me:
    5 player deaths
    4 hanging socks
    3 green trees
    2 snowball fights
    and a candle for you and me.

    On the fourth day of Christmas
    EMC gave to me:
    4 hanging socks
    3 green trees
    2 snowball fights
    and a candle for you and me.

    On the third day of Christmas
    EMC gave to me:
    3 green trees
    2 snowball fights
    and a candle for you and me.

    On the second day of Christmas
    EMC gave to me:
    and a candle for you and me.

    On the first day of Christmas
    EMC gave to me:
  2. a candle for you and me

    Type /promo flame to receive a 2020 version of our Holiday Candle.
    Available til New Years Day.

    We re-release this promo with a different year because of its importance. This is the 3rd release. The Holiday Candle was originally created to pay homage to the various holiday traditions in multiple cultures. At this time and especially during a time like 2020, it’s increasingly important to encourage the expanding of one’s understanding of the other cultures so that we can all learn to respect them, and each other, more.

    I hope that you each take time to read up on the following traditions that different cultures celebrate around this time of year (some of which involving candles):

    St. Nicholas Day: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Nicholas_Day
    Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Our_Lady_of_Guadalupe
    Christmas: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christmas
    Three Kings Day/Epiphany: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epiphany_(holiday)
    Boxing Day: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boxing_Day
    Bodhi Day: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bodhi_Day
    St. Lucia Day: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Lucy's_Day
    Hanukkah: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanukkah
    Kwanzaa: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kwanzaa
    HumanLight: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HumanLight
    Yule: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yule
    Ōmisoka: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ōmisoka
    New Years Day: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Year's_Day
  3. 2 snowball fights

    Join Krysyy for some snow hurling fun.

    SMP7 @ 7 pm EMC time

    All snow provided. DO NOT bring any avalaunchers please.

    AND in case you didn't notice, Blizz Ard is back and ready to fight :eek:

  4. 3 green trees

    Starting at 2 pm EMC time, you will have access to decorate the annual Christmas Tree at /v tree2020 on utopia.

    Note that you will be limited to build perms only and any items added to the tree will not be retrievable. Please don't place laggy items like heads. We will provide all 16 colors of wool for decorating in large chests as normal materials. If these chests run out, please contact Staff for a refill.

    Keep all builds appropriate and within EMC rules. The build will close again early tomorrow morning (at least after 2 am so you have 12 hours minimum)

  5. 4 hanging socks

    See the thread on the front page about posting a picture of your stocking for a chance at winning a prize.
    Also type /promo stockings in-game to claim a pair for in-game. Note that these are simple and normal re-dyed leather items and are not promo items.

  6. 5 player deaths

    Join Krysyy in Destroying the Wastelands in preparation of the update, and because it's fun to watch players die (muahahahahahaha)

    Note: Bring only what you are willing to lose. You will likely die.

    SMP9, exact location posted at start of event
    5 pm EMC time.
    Event will last under 1 hour because there is a player-hosted event after.

  7. 6 devs a working

    Tuqueque, MaglorYavetil and liamwill like this.
  8. 7 rocks a building

    Christmas village build event in the wild with The_Boulder!
    3 pm EMC time
    Boulder will post more details at start of event.
    liamwill likes this.
  9. 8 flames a burning

    Join Krysyy in Firefloor at multiple times tonight!

    First set: 5 pm EMC time
    Second set: 11 pm EMC time

  10. 9 paints a spilling

    Join Krysyy for ART CLASS (Pictionary) on smp8 at 8 pm EMC time=)

  11. 11 deer a flying

    2020 Edition of the Reindeer Series, say hello to DONNER!
    Claim your own with /promo donner for a limited time this holiday season.

    Donner will ALSO be in the Empire Store starting the day after Christmas. (gotta give the reindeer a small break after they help deliver all those presents :p)
    CliffCraft and Ahzeriel3553 like this.
  12. 12 gifts a waiting

    CliffCraft likes this.
  13. I remember reading about these of years' past, but never got to participate myself. Woohoo, thanks Staff :D
    Can't wait for what's coming next :)
  14. this is so so fun thanks krysyy and EMC staff!!
  15. Always loved these. Thanks for another year of them! :)
  16. Can’t wait to see what else you have in store for us!
  17. I am excited for this! Time to get my EMCmas on :cool:
  18. Sweet <3
  19. Oooo shucks I wish I could make it tonight but I have to work tonight! Have fun for me though!