[Auction] 3 Dc of bones

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by DaddyDNon, Mar 5, 2020.

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  1. Starting Bid: 1r
    Minimum bid increase: 100r
    End: 36 hours after last valid bid

    Winner will be mailed 18 stacks of bone BLOCKS (to save space)
  2. Btw im McAwesome_09
  3. 1r
    Btw Bone Blocks are made from bone meal, so 18 stacks of blocks = 3DC Bone Meal = 1DC Bones...
    607 and MerRhyAndBright like this.
  4. Assuming this is 3 DC, 101r
  5. Im assuming this is bones
  6. I wanna bid.
    But am I bidding on 3dc of Bones or on the Bone Blocks... and how many Bone Blocks.
    Your post is not clear on what is being auctioned :confused:
    607 likes this.
  7. We need to pause this auction until it's completely clear what is being auctioned. Your title says 3 DCs of bones but your post only references 1 DC of bones turned into bonemeal, turned into blocks.

    Please clarify so this auction can continue.
    607, TheFryedmans and KatydidBuild like this.
  8. So I talked to McAwesome_09 and it's 3 DC of bones and they will be kept as 3 DCs of bones for now. If the winner rather them be condensed into blocks, they have discuss that after winning.

    Carry on! :)
    607 and KatydidBuild like this.
  9. Then i bid 10k
    KatydidBuild likes this.
  10. I think i have won
    KatydidBuild and ThaKloned like this.
  11. Any way i can get chests set up? I can always set up chests at my place if you wish
  12. i will need a couple days so when i have time to get on and give you them i will
    Do you want them as bone blocks or reg bones?
  13. You able to do bones?
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