[AMA] 5 Year/1 Million Rupee Giveaway

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by MrSocks75, Sep 8, 2019.


What is your favorite event out of this list:

MobArena 11 vote(s) 30.6%
FireFloor 17 vote(s) 47.2%
Nether Spleef 8 vote(s) 22.2%
  1. How many times have people asked you to give them OP because they're from planet minecraft?
  2. How many times have you given someone OP cause they were from planet minecraft? :rolleyes:
    Skiddylicense04 likes this.
  3. How many times have you taken OP from someone cause they were from planet minecraft?
  4. What game are you most excited about thats coming out soon?
  5. Which is the better console Xbox One or PS4
  6. Which is a better streaming platform twitch or mixer
  7. What is your favorite class back in school?
  8. What was your favorite sport you ever played
  9. What is the ultimate answer?
  10. What is the ultimate question?
  11. Why is Sefl so determined to win?
  12. Why is skiddy so determined to prolong the inevitable
  13. Are we getting to annoying?
  14. I doubt I'm being annoying so is skiddy getting annoying? :rolleyes:
  15. I don't think he meant that, did he?
  16. idk did I mrsocks?
  17. Why does Sefl not think I'm gonna pull a sneak on him and swipe that 1 Million from under his feet?
  18. Do you think I could win?
  19. What if, the cake is a spy?
  20. Comander you aint got the skillz :eek: