[Selling] A lot Of Random Promos

Discussion in 'Selling' started by Tie_Die_Guy, Jun 1, 2019.

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  1. How much for 3 can openers
  2. I'm taking Offers. none have set prices
  3. I'll offer you 45k for the momentus's helmet
  4. cool, once payment is sent I'll send via mail
  5. how much for 2013 haunted head, netherhound and 2014 holiday candle ? !
  6. What is a "frienship blossom"? I might want it. :)
  7. Valentines promo 2019
  8. Ah, given through /promo? Then I should already have it, thanks. :)
  9. yes there was 3 types of blossoms that you could pick from and were available with /promo
  10. Paid for the hat!
  11. Hat Sent!
  12. Do you still have the Lucky Rabbits Foot promo?
  13. yep
  14. I'll buy that lol, I gotta get back to town first
    The_Mancub likes this.
  15. Sent, thank you
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