Copy of world wont open, HELP? CORRUPT?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Kryarias, Jun 20, 2019.

  1. Hi so basically I have a copy of a world that wont open and I deleted the original. If you guys can comment some tips or something that would be great. Also if you could open the world on your PC and then send me the world download maybe that would work?!?

    Thanks, Kry
  2. What happens when you load the world?
  3. So what happens is I click on the world and it goes to the loading screen but it never gets to 0% and then it freezes and I have no way of closing it besides shutting down PC
  4. This the only world it wont load? Is this world from an older version of the game? Have you tried reinstalling the game? Can you post log files?

    Also, task manager will close the game without needing a pc restart if the game freezes.
    Kryarias likes this.
  5. Yes it's still he only one it's in 1.12 and I have a copy for it but I think the copy is corrupted but I am not sure
  6. Are you trying to open it in 1.12?
  7. Yes because it was in 1.12.2 but I changed the 4 files from the copy to another world and it's the wrong world, k ow what I mean?
  8. So you put files from one world into another? Like restoring from a backup? Not entirely sure what you are trying to say.
    Kryarias likes this.
  9. Yeah that's what I did, that's what the videos said
  10. I don't know what video you watched, but a minecraft save game consists of more than four files. Could you upload the game's log file? Attempt to load the world, let it freeze, close it with task manager and before you run the game again, go to the logs folder in your .minecraft folder and upload the latest.log file. This should provide more information as to what is wrong with the world.
    Kryarias likes this.
  11. Ok I will try but the thing is that I am not sure it's the world cause it's a copy of the world but I can try when I get home (10 mins) sorry for all this confusion I am not very techy sorry again
  13. I am sorry, how do I do that?
  14. Right click on the save folder and hover over "Send to" and click "compressed (zip folder)". Then upload that zipped folder.
    Kryarias likes this.
  15. Kryarias likes this.
  16. Yes but I usually spawned at that location, could you maybe try to look for it on World Edit? I tried but I kept getting an error.
  17. I could try tomorrow, but based on what I just found and what my log files are saying, the world is toast. Something caused a lot of corruption in the world I have no idea how to bring it back.
  18. Ok, thank you SO much for trying I really do appreciate it.