[AUCTION] Voter's Block

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by 607, Apr 5, 2019.


Do you remember the other person who won an original voter's block?

Yes, I've heard of them. 5 vote(s) 23.8%
Yes, I've talked to them in the past. 1 vote(s) 4.8%
No, I don't know who it was. 15 vote(s) 71.4%
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  1. 3,000,000
  2. 3,200,000
  3. 3.3 mil
    samsimx likes this.
  4. Well then. :confused:
    I'll admit, I was intentionally nonchalant in the OP. I was expecting to get a few hundred k for this, maybe half a million. But I don't know why Raaynn and samsimx wanted this so badly. :confused:
    You can pick up on smp7 or smp8 if you'd like, I could provide delivery service to any town residence, or I could mail. What would you prefer? :)

    Also, thanks to everyone that answered the poll!
  5. Hey 607. I will send the transfer when i pop on this mornin. Please mail it. Will add in the mailing fee.
    607 likes this.
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