[AMA + Giveaway] 7 Years on EMC!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Jay2a, Dec 30, 2018.

  1. Congratulations! I'll choose number 22.

    What has been your most favorite moment or event of EMC so far?
    607 and Jay2a like this.
  2. I don't want a number, but I do have a question...
    Can I join TTMOF?
    jacob5089 and Jay2a like this.
  3. 11 please.

    7 years is impressive! Did you join right when EMC began? I myself have only been here just over 3 years now. Happened to come across EMC after my previous server was shut down. I'm glad EMC seems to be holding steady in that regard.
    Jay2a likes this.
  4. There are parts of old EMC and new EMC that I really liked, but for the most part I'd say new EMC is better. There have definitely been changes I don't agree with, but I think this server's got a great dev team and the content and quality of the server is getting better
    My favorite film would have to be The Martian. I don't really have an explanation for this one, I just think it's a really good book/movie
    Honestly, probably the residence feature. It's much more clean and simplistic than most of the alternatives, while still being very versatile

    Off the top of my head I'd have to say the first Purple People Party. I'm sure there are better memories, but they're all unfortunately faded and I can't really think back to them. At the time, the PPP was this really huge, unique event and I had a lot of fun attending it
    I don't think you need to join :p
    Nope. I know people who've been around since EMC began, but I'm far from one of the oldest members on the server
    607, Sachrock and jacob5089 like this.
  5. Wow, just how long has EMC been around? :eek:

    Now I'm really not worried about EMC going anywhere! Which is nice. Great even! I was on three servers before finding EMC and they all poofed after less than a year after I joined because people (staff mainly) got bored and/or went broke.

    If EMC has been around more than seven years...well...that tells me good management! :D
    607 and Jay2a like this.
  6. Congrats ! 28 Please
    are there any players that still play when you joined ?
    Jay2a likes this.
  7. It's been around since roughly mid 2011, and existed to a capacity prior to that under a different name. Pretty sweet!
    607 likes this.
  8. It's 1 different number per person? Or can pick the number someone already posted
  9. What is your favorite animal?

    #6 please
    Jay2a likes this.
  10. What has changed the most about EMC over 7 (wow) years?
    And 47 please
    Jay2a likes this.
  11. so
    I don't know why
    But I thought it was jacob5089 doing the AMA
    This question probably made no sense to you

    whoops ;-;
    607, Jay2a and jacob5089 like this.
  12. Congratz on the 7 years man dood!!!
    May I have numeral 4 please!
    If you can add a smp or a server to EMC what kind of server would you add!
    607 and Jay2a like this.
  13. Cool! I will take #1 please.

    What is the meaning of life?
    Jay2a likes this.
  14. There are at least a couple staff and some other members I see on the forums, but not really anyone I knew personally or can name off the top of my head
    Pick a number that hasn't been picked
    I dunno, I really like cats :p
    Definitely the Wilderness/Wastelands type worlds. EMC used to stress this whole idea of being mostly Vanilla with a few changes. They've made a huge amount of changes to difficulty and limitations on what the player can and can't do and stuff
    Well no, but Jacob's not too far behind ;)
    I'd add SMP12 for the lols
    I believe life has no meaning and it's up to us to give our own lives meaning
  15. Happy birthday! Seven years... wow.

    What was the highlight of your week?

    Number 27, please =) Thanks for hosting.
    Jay2a likes this.
  16. 32

    When did you join EMC?
    Jay2a likes this.
  17. Just nine days behind ;)
    607 and Jay2a like this.
  18. 33 please
    Do you like cheese?
    Jay2a likes this.
  19. I dunno, New Year's was pretty good :p

    I don't think I'd be able to live a day without cheese
    607 likes this.