[For Hire] Taking Orders in Large Quantities

Discussion in 'Players for Hire' started by summonedbug1, Aug 24, 2018.

  1. Hello hello. I will be offering myself for hire if you need items for a build in a large quantity. Please fill out the template below in your reply.
    IGN (In-game name)-
    Item & Quantity-
    Rupees offered-
    Deadline (Optional)-

    Once your order is submitted, I will decide whether or not I will go through with the request, and get back to you.

    Pickup at- Res #1163
  2. Can I please order 10 DCs of gravel for 55k? :) (or, if you'd prefer less, 5 DCs of gravel for 27.5k)
    A deadline... I don't really like deadlines myself, but it'd be cool if you could have it ready before October - if you don't manage to do that for whatever reason, no worries. :)
  3. I can definitely do 5 by October. 10? Maybe, I'll keep you up to date. For now, we'll say 5 for 27.5k :D
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  4. Sorry but you still doing it ??
  5. ^
  6. I'm sorry for being so late you two, but yes, I am still taking orders. :)
  7. IGN (In-game name)- iCarr
    Item & Quantity- DC of quartz block
    Rupees offered- 120k
    Deadline (Optional)- Pm when its ready :)
  8. Scratch the October, no worries about that, but are you still doing this? :D
  9. Tom :)

    unless he never actually delieved the gravel lol!
  10. Perhaps we could do an SC for 60k?
  11. Yes Tom, I'm still doing it. I recently had to take time off EMC but I've returned. I can still complete your order if you'd like.
    FadedMartian and TomvanWijnen like this.
  12. yeeee
    FadedMartian likes this.
  13. Great. I'll you PM you when it's ready, pickup at res 1163. :)
    FadedMartian and iCarr like this.
  14. No worries! Welcome back. :) I still need any gravel I can get, so, if possible, yes please. :)
  15. Would you be able to get carrots in bulk? What about lava buckets? If so what would the price be per DC?
  16. Yep. For sure. How many DCs you need? Do you have a deadline? For price, I'd say 2k per carrot DC. Regarding the lava buckets, I'm unsure of the price, I'd have to look into it. :)
    FadedMartian likes this.
  17. I do need a bunch of carrots so I would need a bit of a lower price, around 1250r. I am needing 20 or 30 dcs.

    As for lava buckets I am needing as many DCs as possible.
  18. BTHarrold98
    10 DCs of dirt
    ASAP Please

    Any problems please let me know :)
  19. Could I get sand or gravel or both

    You can give a price and I'll accept sollongs its reasonable
  20. Yikes. I apologize. Took a long break from Minecraft due to irl stresses again. If you still need the resources, which I doubt you do, I'll be glad to pick them up for you.