Good bye, EMC.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by copherfield, Jun 11, 2012.

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  1. Building up my treasury to buy diamonds to make enchanted picks to sell back to the community seems like a good cause.
  2. I appreciate the 5000 friend, thanks.
  3. I'd like some.
  4. Even though i have never met you, i wish you the best!
  5. We will always miss you Copher, I too have noticed the slowness of EMC, but I try to hang in there. EMC will not be the same without you :(. Good luck with your new server and may you spread your creativity and kindness through Minecraft and the Real World!

    Never Forget Copherfield

    I don't want to be unkind but you asked if people needed donations, I could use 5k please! Thanks ;)

    In loving Memory of Copherfield
  6. Goodbye, copher. It's sad to see so many great guys going.
    Good luck out there :)
  7. I've got some sad news for you... (its not regarding my rupees, something else... check the initial thread)
  8. If you are giving away free rupees I want in! Also if you ever get you own server or want to start one up shoot me an email at: ;)
  9. free r would be nice, seeing as my highest ever was an entry into the 100% 12k club :p
  10. Oh and Copher, are you finishing the colony competition?
  11. I am pretty scared for EMC. While I know it is not dying per-say, it is still loosing some big members!

    copherfield, you will be missed a great deal.

    And now I demand some FREE.... hugs :D I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.
  12. Sadly, no.
  13. I remember when there was always 45/45 players online.
    Brennian likes this.
  14. Hipster XD
    Cypher_Rahl likes this.
  15. So is Eclip going to finish it out? Or is it just over?

    P.S: Just saw the rupees thanks!
  16. My rupees ballance: 0r
  17. :( Don't leave us <3
  18. Back when SMP3 had all its old players...
  19. Yeah my mall can't be completed copher lack of rupees really... I don't have enough to buy ores and stuff
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