hey everybody so as the title suggests this is a giveaway the rules are simple with a book and quill write your favorite color and a number 1-100 and sign it then you can either mail it to me or drop it off in the chest at my res only one entry per person(so no alt entries) drawing will be sometime after 30 days(to be determind)i will stop taking entries september 15 so get them in now the taken numbers are 37 8 50 9 30 84 73 27 51 72 46 55 64 32 100 13 the taken colors are blue turquise silver indigo mintgreen green aqua red X3 gray lime green gold light blue if we have ties on colors whoever was closer to the number will win if we have ties on numbers ill use the random number generater to pick another number oh make sure to post if or when you have entered people who have entered so far D1rt_Lord ironicswordplay crystaldragon stnywitness otus_NigRum Moonholiday_ NuclearBoBomb The_Mancub LuckyCordel Lukas3226 BanHawaiinPizza Deadly_Visions HonarableSytheH Phalanx12 Foxy_Kitty CraftGuy1243
bump wont be able to update the numbers and colors for a while had somewhat of a emergency and wont be able to get back on till next weekend will update then
I have sent mine in! Mostly because I could choose 13 this time! Belac, I sure hope everything turns out well.
thanks i actually have time to be on later for a little while i'll update the numbers and colors then
just wanted to remind everybody to be creative with your colors i've had 3 people pick red so far(don't worry if you picked red it'll be whoever is closer to the number if red wins)