[Auction] Maxed Enchanted Chain Armor / Gear

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by WeezerNL, Aug 10, 2018.

  1. Hi, I'm auctioning a set of max enchanted Chain gear.

    Chain Helmet:
    Protection IV
    Aqua Affinity
    Respiration III
    Unbreaking III

    Chain Chestplate:
    Protection IV
    Unbreaking III

    Chain Leggings:
    Protection IV
    Unbreaking III

    Chain Boots:
    Protection IV
    Feather Falling IV
    Depth Strider III
    Unbreaking III

    Starting bid: 5k (5000r)
    Minimum increase: 500r
    Auction will end 48 hours after last valid bid.

    Preview Chest is available at my residence. When entering my hub, look to the right.

    After payment the armor can be collected at my residence on SMP7, 15320.
    ShelLuser and ThaKloned like this.
  2. 5.5
    WeezerNL likes this.
  3. 6.5k
    WeezerNL likes this.
  4. 10k
    WeezerNL likes this.
  5. 14.5k
    ShelLuser likes this.
  6. Hey flyingFish21, you are the winner! Please send the payment and access will be setup asap. Enjoy!

    Evey-body thanks for bidding.
    With the current setup, this thread dropped like a stone and was on the 2nd page for most of the 48 hours after the last valid bet. Still, 14.5k is a good price.
  7. Sounds good, I went auction crazy and this is the 4th auction ive won (out of theh 6 im trying to win). Payment made.
  8. Access has been setup. go to my home and look to your right.
