Yes but you see I was actually thinking of supporting diamond for a month so I could keep 3 more residences but now I don't really want too anymore because in the long run it is just cheaper to buy multiple MC accounts... But I do suppose this is fair because as you say you don't pay once and get to keep the server forever do why should poeple pay once and keep the extra residences forever? I can see both sides to this and I can't decide which one I'm on! ~Stads
Something to always remember as well, we always stay open to additions to supporter memberships, with Gold and Diamond being the forefront of new features, so we're always going to add value to them when we can.
though, being diamond has a lot better perks than a normal member... you get 1,100 more rupees a day. i don't really use all of mine, but if i come across something i want to build, i have the funding to do so. buying more MC accounts to me, would be more pointless, because then you have to figure out which one is which res, log out, log in, exit minecraft just to sign into something else.. then you have to set perms for each different character, and switch over.. also, you pay 25$ i think for one account, you buy three more accounts, that is more than 3 months here as diamond, and then you don't even get the perks of diamond.... doing that seems to me A LOT more work, and not as grand as having diamond. 60$ - 3 months Diamond 60-80$ - 3 more Accounts 4 res's for both 1200r - Diamond 400r - for 4 normal accounts what if your internet dies for two weeks? that is more than 10 days, there goes your res's... i see many many many more bad sides to that idea.
I haven't seen people saying "Oh hey only pay for one month you'll get to keep all your residences." But I have seen people ask in chat as well as on the forum "If I stop paying after a month do my residences go away?" Here I am still a white name wishing I was donating. Partly for /maphide xD. As for multi accounts I'm kinda confused on why people buy them. I mean, MR2RM has 4 accounts, two he paid for and two he won or something like that. I don't know if I could keep up with four but I do know I wish I had them at times when people are a pain. Kinda like a secret identity.
Perhaps it is cheaper to buy more accounts, but hey lets support the multi millionaires that are mojgan or shall we support the hand that feed's us...
Look I'm not trying to dis EMC cause I love it it's just I can't afford to support this server monthly but I still like to haveultiple residences do having 2 accounts works for me!
I am now iron supporter for 1 month, because my mom doesn't like that I pay for this... But maybe I will be supporter sometimes, so not subscribed but sometimes.... , that is how I do that. So if I get gold and than another few weeks normal member, will I keep my res's than?
maybe what should happen is people who buy diamond, cancel and not ever get it again... that may help weed out people abusing the supporter number of res's problem. ... or many people who spend 20$ on a supporter status should not be so immature and tell others "pay for one month and still keep the rewards" people like that, are evil, stupid and should be very ashamed. if i ever see someone tell someone that on any server, you bet i'm going to say something about it.