I'm Looking for people (meaning many) To help build my outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by bitemenow15, Jun 17, 2018.

  1. I have a general idea of how i want things to look and would enjoy a number of people to come out and build alongside me in the Dark Medieval style on an Ancient wildbase on smp6.

    Recently I've become less active because its pretty dead out there, but I'm hoping to revive the place

    I have a number of projects i am constantly working on and improving and Experienced builders can come out and really enjoy themselves.

    PM me for more details
    Equinox_Boss and Nickblockmaster like this.
  2. I'm not much of a builder and tend to stay in town unless I know the area I'm traveling to. But I'd be happy to provide some clay (terracota) from my outpost if you need some ! (Not many variety of colors though)
  3. idk how much clay i need, im right next to a huge supply of it if i need it, its more like friends and builders im looking for out there. but ill take donations haha
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  4. Howdy! As I said before I would be happy to come out and aid your outpost. I've broken ties with all other outposts due to inactivity of others, with the exception of one which is owned by me. I cannot be on everyday to help, but I will be around to help best I can. Try and let me know ahead of time (preferably), when a good time for you is, to meet up, and we can go from there.

    See ya around buddy.
    bitemenow15 and ChespinLover77 like this.
  5. yeah of course you are welcomed out there at any time lol
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  6. If all goes like it should, it would be great for me to join you this evening. Is this good for you ? ;)
  7. agh wednesdays are my weakness lol ill be out until like 2300 est, i will be on late though haha
  8. Oh didn't know we were in the same time zone, which helps out a bit. I usually wrap up and head off around midnight or sometimes a little later thereafter. I'll be around for a few hours.
    bitemenow15 likes this.
  9. still bumpan, i want like...5 peeps