[AUCTION] 1 DC of the best gunpowder you'll ever find

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Zbid, May 7, 2018.

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  1. Nvm 19k
  2. 20k
    TheBidule likes this.
  3. BOOMp!
  4. Aaaanyone else want to make it go boooom -or fizzzzzzz- ?
  5. Last boooom!
  6. Kikudusk wins!
    The chest will be ready on my smp9 Res.(/v TheBidule) as soon as payment is received! Enjoy that boom boom dust!
    Big__Kev likes this.
  7. Paid :)
    TheBidule likes this.
  8. Aaand set up!
    The DC is on /v TheBidule on /SMP9, you see it straightly when you TP there. Enjoy the Boom!
  9. Picked up, thank you! :D
  10. anytime ! :D
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