[Forum Game] The First Loser |S3:G1|

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Rhyblet, Feb 24, 2018.


Have you played The First Loser before?

Yes 13 vote(s) 31.7%
I wanted to, but I didn't get in 8 vote(s) 19.5%
No 20 vote(s) 48.8%
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  1. *chooses the option with the least amount of people*
    607 likes this.
  2. Or you could team up with your row/column so that you get enough votes and get immunity for all, so you keep those votes and don't lose them due to someone getting eliminated ;).

    That is honestly, why I am a bit worried about the top row.
    Patr1cV, 607 and q1zx like this.
  3. I would vote top row but then they'll all vote for me.
  4. I understand you want to survive, but I mean, if you never vote on the top row, in the end the top row will be left and then it is just you agains them ;).

    Also, if they all vote for you, you will just get immunity. So I don't think they would do that anyways.

    (I probably have painted a huge target on my own face now... :eek:)
    Patr1cV, q1zx and 607 like this.
  5. Strategies are completely safe if you can get enough people to work with you
    16 people left, 5 people still in the top row. If you could get the other 4 to vote for one person, then the only way that person could get eliminated is if more than 1/4 of the game voted for someone else, which isn't likely to happen since they'd get no benefit from doing so
    607 and q1zx like this.
  6. why is no one voting to keep me safe?😖
    q1zx likes this.
  7. Funny you should ask that

    Most-voted: SunnyStorm7 (4 votes)
    Safe: Smooshed_Potato, SunnyStorm7, SageCREEPER, poofasaurus, MajorHaze
    The First Loser: FadedMartian (3 votes)
    Unsafe: Sydney4363, cTJx, SkeleTin007, Theomglover, haastregt, Foxy_Kitty, TomvanWijnen, DufTheHalls, Lomax70, q1zx

    Round 11 will finish when all votes have been received or at Thursday, April 5, at 11:55 pm EMC time, whichever comes first.
    Theomglover, 607 and Tuqueque like this.
  8. I say that everyone should vote for theomglover, and he chooses to save row. So when he wins, there will be noone safe except him.

    ^that would be interesting
    607, haastregt and MerRhyAndBright like this.
  9. haastregt and Tuqueque like this.
  10. wtf D:
    Jay2a likes this.
  11. I thought that was to be expected, honestly. :p But I thought I would try not to influence the result, as I didn't necessarily want you to be eliminated.
    FadedMartian0 likes this.
  12. Why? So those people could eliminate me in spite of asking why I wasn't being saved anymore?:confused:
  13. You were asking why people weren't voting on you. That made some of the people who still could vote vote on you. Not all, though, as for some another choice might've been more strategic. And thus I expected you to become the first loser.
  14. Most-voted: q1zx (4 votes)
    Safe: DufTheHalls, Lomax70, q1zx
    The First Loser: SkeleTin007 (3 votes)
    Unsafe: Smooshed_Potato, SunnyStorm7, SageCREEPER, poofasaurus, MajorHaze, Sydney4363, cTJx, Theomglover, haastregt, Foxy_Kitty, TomvanWijnen

    Round 12 will finish when all votes have been received or at Tuesday, April 10 at 10:00 pm EMC time, whichever comes first.
    SkeleTin007 and 607 like this.
  15. Okay, I want everyone who voted for me to raise their hand...
  16. *raises hand*
    q1zx likes this.
  17. I expected to be eliminated shortly after ;)
    Good game guys you got me good :D
    Tuqueque, 607 and q1zx like this.
  18. Most-voted: SunnyStorm7 (3 votes)
    Safe: Smooshed_Potato, SunnyStorm7, SageCREEPER, poofasaurus
    The First Loser: MajorHaze (3 votes)
    Unsafe: Sydney4363, cTJx, Theomglover, haastregt, Foxy_Kitty, TomvanWijnen, DufTheHalls, Lomax70, q1zx

    There was a tie, and SkeleTin007 chose to save SunnyStorm7. Round 13 will finish when all votes have been received or at Sunday, April 15 at 10:00 pm EMC time, whichever comes first.
    SkeleTin007 and Tuqueque like this.
  19. Finally, someone in the top row falls. I think my time is up soon though...
    MajorHaze and SliceOfRhyBread like this.
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