What would you do if the Empire Minecraft server adopts 1.13

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Buildershed, Mar 25, 2018.

  1. I would take a swim in the Empire Pool on SMP1
    Empire Pool's Res Info:
    Adress: 211
    Owner: chickeneer
    Tbird1128 likes this.
  2. Mine coral, sell it for moneys
    OriginalScuf likes this.
  3. same
  4. *When EMC adopts 1.13 ;) Cause EMC always updates to the newest version of Minecraft

    To answer your question though, when EMC updates to 1.13 I'll probably do the same thing I always do. Wait until the next update before I actually get anything new from the update :p
    For example, I didn't have an elytra until 1.10/1.11, and shulker boxes until 1.12 :p
  6. When EMC adopts 1.13

    We name it gary.

    What a nice young thing.
  7. No Elytra until 1.10...? How did you survive?
  8. I walked through 5 feet of snow uphill both ways.
  9. Underwater mob arenas!

    *Yes I'm totally making that a thing when 1.13 hits*
  10. #spoilers
  11. DUDE! That would be sweet!
    MoreMoople likes this.
  12. Still be inactive
    YaBoiLottie likes this.
  13. D: fam
  14. Look through the changelog and bug fixes to see what I can exploit for money
  15. buckets of Fish buckets of them!!!
    FadedMartian0 likes this.
  16. *MerRhyAndBright was banned by Aikar reason: Exploiting 1.13 bugs*
  17. Okay, seriously, I might quit once 1.13 rolls into EMC. Kinda outgrowing this server.
  18. To clarify things. Yes, we plan to update to 1.13. So less of a question of 'if'. More of "what will you do when ..."
  19. Don't you dare quit, your songs of the days are great
    Tuqueque likes this.