Dragon egg. ( ENDER DRAGON )

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by dylan_frenette, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. I blew up a copy only.

    world downloader mod ftw
  2. I said that! :D
  3. This is so true....
  4. I want to find this one in the wild secret speaks of...

    *super awesome montage of 200x the speed of real time timelapse* then finds it after 200 days at secret's base :D

    "Augh! I should've looked there 1st!!"
  5. I think there was a couple of eggs at Dragonnia, werent they?
  6. It's in a protected spawn area, lol...
  7. Just sayin, your skin is a creeper. Lol
  8. I am well aware of this