[Selling] Tons of Remote Shop Signs, Singles or Bulk

Discussion in 'Selling' started by Jewel, Feb 14, 2018.

  1. Res 17007 on SMP8

    1 Single Remote Shop Sign: 4,500 Rupees

    16 Remote Shop Signs: 64,000 Rupees (8,000 Rupee Discount)
    Tuqueque likes this.
  2. That's a high price to pay for just one sign let alone 16 signs.
    Here is an auction for 50 and the winning bid divided by 50 come out to just 2,100 r per sign. https://empireminecraft.com/threads/auction-50-remote-shop-signs.75821/unread
    Here is another auction before the latest one for another 50 signs and again the total per sign ends up being 3,600r. https://empireminecraft.com/threads/auction-50-remote-shop-signs.75732/

    I'm just saying your prices are high as I've seen them sold in shops for around 3,500r per sign amd that's on the higher side of thing. Feel free to report this and have it removed from your selling thread. I just wanted to inform you.
    Qkazooo and TomvanWijnen like this.
  3. That is great and all but if there is any shop that sell these for less than 4500r and are in stock, let me know. And I really don’t base my prices around auctions, if no one has them in stock I can dictate the price.

    EDIT: Didn't have time to elaborate as I was in class. Sorry if that sounded mean but it's true. Those people are buying those signs in bulk, why would someone bid on 50 signs if they only need 6 or 16? I know some people would rather pay a little premium than to get more than what they wanted. Those auctions are cheaper because of that point, bulk is almost always less than if you buy in smaller quantities. So I think my prices are more than fair. =)
    Tuqueque likes this.