Now now, don't go around bashing other players. I understand not all of us like each other, but we don't have to type it out. Just use the /ignore function, and all shall be fine for you. Keep it civil please.
Maybe you can list up something like this here: that way anyone that comes-by gets to see this and it won't get blown up by EMC forums activity and interest conflicts
I'm on my phone atm but still, calm down. Have you asked a Moderator to look into this problem? I am not going to ask anymore questions here, because I believe that this situation would best be dealt with in private,with which is hard to do on a phone when you are going down the road.
going down the road? and yes i talked to icc, he said nothing can be done and thats why spawners are a difficult topic, im just telling people to be careful with who they trust. i will stop posting in this thread
i don't smelt cobble stone unless i need stone brick. I turn sand into glass for my casino though. Having to smelt a small chest full to fill in my roof.