3x Diamond Supporter Voucher Starting Bid: 400,000 Rupees Rupee Minimum Bid Increment: 10,000 Rupees Auction Ending Time: 18:00 EMC Time on 2/3/2018
Congrats sach, you have won. To confirm this I did go into inspect element and it does confirm you placed your bid exactly at 6:00 PM making the cut off. Once payment is received, I'll mail you the vouchers =)
After looking into seems Sach has won the auction with bid 550k. Hard to tell what was winning bid for most part but link before shows y’all my end decision. Sach wins auction with bid 550k https://imgur.com/a/gmFlY
I would have to disagree with your decision, but the items have been sent. The "minutes ago" is not a accurate way to tell when a post was posted. When you go into the code of the message, it gives you the exact time a post was posted. The post you are following was made at 5:59 ( https://prnt.sc/i9rse7 ) The post that I believe is actually correct was made at 6:00 ( https://prnt.sc/i9rsky ) You can double-check these time yourself by just scrolling over the text where it says "minutes ago" and right clicking inspect element.
The system is not able to track player posts in seconds, only minutes. As the cutoff time was at 18:00 EMC time, per the auction terms, any bids placed on or after that time are not valid due to the auction having already ended. If we allowed bids occurring at 18:00 to be counted then the bids are being made after the auction had ended.
I see where you are coming from and apologize for this misunderstanding. What I thought was that even if it was posted for example at 18:00:23 that it still technically is only 18:00. So basically all bids up to 18:00:59 would have been valid. Thank you for clearing that up and I am sorry again for this, that's what I get for making auctions more difficult than what they should be