[BUYING] Fast horse - delivered

Discussion in 'Buying' started by SchlonkeyKong, Jan 31, 2018.

  1. Hello, kind folks. As most of you know I'm a pretty big deal. As some of you know, the big deal is located a bazillion miles from town. As few of you know, the big is relatively poor.

    What I'm looking for is a fast as Seabiscuit horse delivered to my doorstep(or however it's easiest to get to me). I have approximately 10k rupees maximum to offer but let's not rake me over the coals here if they're not valued that high.
    Gianluca99Star and Eviltoade like this.
  2. How fast is fast? What % speed are you looking for?
    Gianluca99Star likes this.
  3. I honestly know nothing about the actual speeds. So let's say fast enough to make my journey to and from town less of a pain.
    Gianluca99Star likes this.
  4. Alright, I think I can do that for you. How far exactly is "a bazillion miles from town"?
    Gianluca99Star likes this.
  5. After taking the south port it's 8662,14235 on the map. What's the horse's speed and how much are you asking?
    Gianluca99Star likes this.
  6. I don't remember offhand, but I think it's near 117. It's yours for free. :)
    Will deliver tomorrow.
  7. awwww.. MerRhyAndBright .. datz awfully nice of you. =]
    _Devuu__ and Gianluca99Star like this.
  8. I have a 132-speed horse that id be willing to give to you free of charge and I'll also prepare you with things you may need like wheat, saddle and diamond horse armor.. of course also free of charge :)

    just tryna give back to the emc community!!

    ill mail it soon...EDIT: (Just mailed it) :)
    Danni8 likes this.
  9. I really appreciate it. Thank you.

    Thank you very much. However, at the time of this post, Gianluca mailed me a horse. Cheers!
  10. :U how dare you hijack my random acts of kindness
    586 likes this.
  11. I am very sawwy! I just saw an opportunity to do something nice and I took it! all that matters is that a nice act was committed lol :)
    MerRhyAndBright likes this.