|Giveaway/AMA| Exam Prep and 15th Birthday

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by 29672057602, Jan 12, 2018.


Do you like and I mean really like exams?

Yes 3 vote(s) 21.4%
Yes 11 vote(s) 78.6%
  1. Oh geez, exams year for me.
    wooo hype
    Oh, yea and Ill turn 15 on the 7th Of Feb! So this year I'll just do an AMA/Giveaway to celebrate :D

    I honestly don't like writing giant paragraphs so I'll keep it short.

    How this will work:
    All you need to do is just ask a question about me or even give me tips for exams (Which will be very helpful) I'll choose the winner by using the number next to your post and I'll use the site random.org to choose.

    So Ill be only giving away 2 prizes and those prizes are 1 Iron Supporter Voucher AND 1 Gold Supporter Voucher! (Cause that's all I can afford :cool:)

    The giveaway will end on the 7th of Feb 12 am EMC time

    Good luck
    Equinox_Boss and SkeleTin007 like this.
  2. Help? I’m just a lowly freshie, so I have no clue... :p
    Perhaps make a study guide for yourself? Good luck!!

    I don’t really like exams.
  3. I need this so I can use town chat from the frontier!

    Exam tip: Sit beside the smartest person in your class. You can often snipe a few answers from your peripheral vision.

    oh, and Happy Birthday
  4. Hey Theo I hope all goes well on this so basically what I would do is take the time to sit down and study and jot down a few notes so when I am on the bus I can review them and it helped me a lot.

    And my question to you is what is your favorite pet that you had in the past or now in the present?

    Happy B-day Theo my pal :)
    Equinox_Boss and Theomglover like this.
  5. But isn’t community chat a thing now?
  6. Do you know da wae? and gl on exams
  7. I tried study guides did work out, but I’ll see if it will work this year :)
    I used to have a pet dog (Jack Russel) named Ringo, had him since I was 1
    Also thanks for the tip, I’ll try remember that :D
    Thanks xD

    *click click click*
    Equinox_Boss and Sachrock like this.
  8. How does it feel to chew 5 gum?
    Equinox_Boss and Theomglover like this.
  9. No you dont, you are staff so you can already talk in town. besides, community chat is open to everyone.

    Happy birthday theo :D
    As for an exam tip, get a lot of sleep the night before.
    Equinox_Boss and Theomglover like this.
  10. That’s a hard one :p thanks
    Feels like heaven
    Equinox_Boss and CinemaSins like this.
  11. Bump, added 1 Gold Supporter Voucher :)
    Equinox_Boss and SkeleTin007 like this.
  12. Happy early birthday! :cool:
    Exam tip: Don't stress about the exams. It may also be helpful to make a list of all the material that you may struggle with or forget so you can focus on studying them. Also, don't procrastinate on studying the really hard material.
    Equinox_Boss and Theomglover like this.
  13. I have a tip! (I kinda run the school study group) When studying, always write down facts/formulas. TYPING DOES NOT HELP AS MUCH. Also, study up with FRIENDS/CLASSMATES! While studying with them, take BREAKS! They help you take your mind off studying without you forgetting too much if you DON'T PLAY MINECRAFT OR WATCH YOUTUBE! Yes it is hard... but you should create a reward system. For example, you should Study on Sunday for 15 minutes of Minecraft. Then Monday is Study and treat yourself to a nice dinner. ECT. I hope you find this helpful!

    EDIT! MY QUESTION IS, like always, what is the meaning of life!?!
  14. Happy Birthday!
    Depending on what I was studying I often made flash cards for myself and would run through them on my own(dont forget to shuffle every run through so you dont just start memorizing what the next answer is) and when I was feeling pretty good at it I would run through with someone else. So if I got it wrong they could just tell me and I could sit and try to figure it out instead of looking at the answer.
    Good luck!!
    Equinox_Boss and Theomglover like this.
  15. Old man :p

    Finals tip, get a good night sleep and a good breakfast the day of your finals. You'll do great if you feel great. :)
  16. Tips: Remember to study and make lots of notes. Good Luck
  17. This is mostly a on the day of kind of thing, but if you're allowed to write on the exam booklet, DO IT. It helps so much just underlining highlights of the source. If its for math and you're working on a word problem, same thing, underline the numbers you will need and look for keywords that will help you find out which formula is required (if you're not already sure.)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  18. Haha oh geez thanks for the tip, idk the meaning of life.
    Thanks :D Ill try and remember that!!
    Oooo flash cards, good idea and thanks :)
    Notes on my hand? :D
    Equinox_Boss and The_Mancub like this.
  19. Tips For Exams:
    Multiple Choice? Don't just choose B or C everytime, choose the answer that you are most certain of! :D


    Don't study for something you don't need to study for- But don't use that to blow off on something you need to study for.

    Don't spend five minutes filling in one bubble, it doesn't have to be perfect.

    Do what works for you!

    And don't stress out - But make sure you know what you're doing! Don't wait until the last minute!
    Equinox_Boss, We3_MPO and Theomglover like this.