[AUCTION] 1x uncraftable GOD BOW with mending and infinity

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by MCSaw, Dec 26, 2017.

  1. Item: 1x GOD BOW (Unbreaking III, Power V, Punch II, Flame, Infinity & Mending)
    Starting Bid: 5,000 rupees
    Minimum Bid Increment: 2,000 rupees

    Auction Ending Time: 48 hours after the last valid bid

    Preview is available on smp4 at /v +enchantment
    It's on the right side :)
  2. Why is it uncraftable?
  3. You can't have infinity and mending on the same bow.

    MCSaw likes this.
  4. 15k* typing on a phone is hard.
  5. dang, no flame II :p 25k
  6. This deal is like stealing candy from a baby, who will stop this? :cool: